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what we build.

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Why choose us.

Where happiness lives

Awards & Recognition

Advantages We Have Gained

Awards & Recognition

Advantages We Have Gained

Number of Implemented Housing Units (in Thousand Units)
The volume of investments in projects under implementation (in billion pounds)
The volume of investments in the implemented projects (in one billion pounds)
Number of villas and chalets implemented (in thousand units)
Number of Projects Implemented
Certificates & Awards

Our biggest award is the development of Thriving Communities

Certificates & Awards
Our biggest award is the development of Thriving Communities
Chairman of the Board of Directors

We believe that we are enablers of people's dreams.

For more than fifty years, we have been intensifying our efforts to achieve the demands of our customers and the goals of the community for you. We have always adhered to local and international specifications and continuous development of our performance through the use of the latest technologies in the field of construction and the continuous training of all employees in order to implement our projects with the desired quality, time periods and budgets specified for each project and provide real job opportunities while facilitating the best working atmosphere and standard of living for workers in order for all our employees to be proud of their belonging to the company

Tarek Talaat Moustafa

Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Group
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    About Us

    A huge entity, a majestic edifice, and a gigantic facility whose name was engraved with letters of light in the record of the world of construction and building. It was founded by Eng. Talaat Mustafa as an Egyptian joint stock company subject to the investment law with a capital of one million pounds.

    Designed by IT team.

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